Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday Pier Swim Oceanside Police Presence

Sunday afternoon there was a small, active police presence at the pier. Thank goodness. The drug addicts were few in number because the police were checking out at least one character shown in my photos. They could have done something about the man in the orange t-shirt who shouted continuously about religious dangers and threats to us all in both English and Spanish. He was certainly "disturbing the peace" and I took a photo of a cop car passing next to him that did nothing. So, everybody trying to enjoy the beach and pier had to hear this screaming God this... and Dios that...non-stop. Holy mackerel!
For the water it wasn't a great day-I'd say mediocre. The sky was overcast and I swam against the current around the pier, which was too difficult yesterday. I asked the lifeguard about any unusual currents or goings-on because they had a lifeguard boat close in to the beach slowly patrolling. Nothing unusual-just some boaters had been in too close. I watched the water first and knew that the current was running north but I had parked north of the pier and didn't want to walk by the screaming Jesus crazy guy, so I got in north of the pier and swam south. My new pair of goggles leaked on me continuously, which was annoying, and I took them off half-way through. Even swimming in I felt like I was going against the tide. It took me almost an hour for this swim.

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