Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sat Pier Visit After Neck Issue

So, it has been thirteen days without salt water for me and that is too long.  My neck is still pretty messed up and out of whack--these are the technical medical terms.
I wanted to get in and just kick around lying on my back with fins so as not to upset the neck.  I got in at about 2:30 PM, and it was freezing.  I added a tight rash guard shirt to my swim attire-the wimp factor is gaining ground on me rapidly. has the water temp at 58 but it feels colder.  After 4 minutes slowly kicking out, I was ready to quit and go in.  Then I thought about my little saying at the bottom of my posts, and stayed in.  Eventually, the feeling passed.  Life is that way about quitting, it seems.
On my way in close to the beach, there was a small surf contest ongoing in small 1-2 foot waves.  A Christian kids surf contest-the kids looked about 11 years old.  That's nice for them-the people who go to the effort of setting up the booths, stage, etc, for the kids.
My neck is not ready to swim-not even close.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

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