Thursday, March 31, 2011


I swam the pier after work today and it was very nice. The water was glassy flat out past 2-3 foot, well-shaped waves ready to be surfed. The surfers were scattered along a long stretch of beach because there were so many corners to surf-no need to crowd in on each other today.

I took a few pictures from the street above the beach.

No webbed gloves today, but I did wear my fins (my security blanket).

Temp about 59-60 degrees and I hit several warm bands of water.

Gosh, it was so nice having the whole ocean past the breakers to myself! One really does have it all to oneself out there; it's really hard to believe when you think about it. On a day like today, there should be a hundred ocean swimmers out there taking advantage of how lucky we are to have this resource free-just the cost of a parking meter. For me, $1.25 to $2.00 per day.

The Pier area was bustling with athletes and locals taking advantage of a beautiful day-low seventies for air temperature.

The athletes must be enjoying themselves, those who are in town for this Saturday's Ironman Triathlon. They really should have their swim in the ocean; who the heck wants to swim in an enclosed boat harbor?

Oh well, more ocean for me. Best of luck to you triathletes-you are amazing.

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