I wanted to get in the water to get an idea what it might be like for Saturday morning. Let's hope Sat is better than Wed. The water was on the dirty side, with a very strong current running NORTH. The reverse of the usual direction. It has also turned into a construction zone with the big, ugly, 2 1/2 foot diameter pipes for transporting the muck that they are dredging from the Harbor down to the Pier area. I did not see any outflow today, but I am suspicious because of how dirty the water seemed.
I got in with a wet suit and fins and kicked out past the restrooms on the Pier and it didn't get clean out there. I am going to call the City or Harbor to try to get some dredging info because I do not want to be in the beach when that muck is being pumped in--quite gross.
58-60 degrees per surfline. 4 foot ugly waves at 12 second intervals. Not surfable really. The water was not swimmable for a Pier swim north to south. Perhaps south to north in cleaner water would have been ok.
"The first time you quit is the last time you try."