Friday, February 28, 2025

Oceanside Harbor Beach Friday

I mostly like to be surprised at the water conditions before I drive to the beach. Today at 1 p.m. I was somewhat surprised that the conditions at the Harbor were inhospitable to human recreation.

A strong wind blew in steadily from the west, so much so that one guy surfed the wind quite adeptly.
I was the sole entrant into the water during my brief stay. No surfable waves whatsoever. The photos show a very low tide; however, hiding past that all hell was breaking loose. In 6-8 feet of water surged 3-5 foot waves crashing straight on in, parallel to the shoreline.

My objective was to kick around a bit to work the back muscles. Once the water was over my head, I experienced looming 4-5 footers dumping on me and actually creating anxiety in my mind. Anxiety in rough surf is certainly an adrenaline rush per se but I'm not young anymore.
I'm cautious and decided to kick back in and call it a day. Easier said than done. The underpull of the water was strong, even with my webbed feet touching the sand on the bottom.
This afternoon I had the momentary thought that if I had been wearing my life jacket, I just might have had my hand on the CO2 cartridge pull. Really.

I need more wind in my lungs. Rehabbing is a long road, but I LOVE cold salt water! I love it. Did I say I love to be cold in salt water...

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Warm Water

I got in at 2 p.m. for some kicking around at the Harbor Beach. It's just so nice here!
Waves up to a max of 4 feet every several minutes for 3-4 waves, but the shape wasn't very good for surfing--closed out. The south jetty was more popular than the north side. The water was very flat and calm out past the waves and I relaxed on my back, kicking easily. I got a bit inspired and kicked around the south rock jetty. It's a rough spot, the south side, and a kid could get smashed quickly and pulled out. 

I got two epidural steroid shots 2 days ago and I think the Dr. just hit two bad spots of mine just perfectly. Good reduction in pain and the lumbar felt very good this afternoon. 

I did forget my disabled placard and had to pay the $1.50 to the meter. It makes one happy to have a disability. I missed out on my free parking spot right by the sand. 
(but I'd trade it in for health).
No photos; I didn't care.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Monday, February 24, 2025

Before Sunset

Not an exciting swim today just before sunset. Ten minutes of kicking but I had no wind. A little bit rough with up to 4 foot strong waves outside. I didn't dare try to get through them due to a lack of breath. When one is old it is better to be cautious.
No photo. Forgot the phone.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Three Days Off

I got into the water yesterday after a few days of recovery time. Don't you miss your body when you were in your twenties and maybe into your thirties, when you could get out of shape but snap right back into fitness after a week of daily exercise?
I remember that youthful 'bounce back' ability. That was nice.
I can remember being in my early twenties and having a bad cold, a chest cold or something, that could be cured by going out on a hard 5-mile run.
Took that for granted.
I've been espousing the 'step-by-step' method of life for the last 20-30 years. 
Like Mao Tse Dung's quote: 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'

Saturday in the water at the Harbor was perfect for me. Smooth waves 2-4 feet, decent shape, and a nice interval between waves. I was able to kick out past the several surfers and relax just kicking back & forth between the jetties. No, not the entire length, I'm talking 50 yards or so north, turn about, and 50 yards the other direction a few times. So peaceful, such gentle water.

This photo was of the south side of the south rock jetty. Is that beautiful or what?

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."