Thursday, June 6, 2013

Big Waves Coming In with Strong Rip Current to the North

The plan was to swim out past the breakers but no way today.  There is a big swell coming and the beginning of it is powerful.  Oceanside had a very strong rip current from the south to the north and the waves were breaking left in the same direction.  Waves were way too powerful to try to attempt to get out past them.  We relaxed and kicked out a bit but before the strong surf zone we stopped.  The current had quickly pulled us north (left to right) in a matter of fifteen minutes or so a few hundred yards.  The water was beautiful, warm, and relaxing.  Not many beachgoers in the water.  Too dangerous.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rough, choppy water at 5 PM Monday at the Pier

A 25 minute swim out into rough water.  I didn't have the energy to make it out to the end of the pier.  The water was warm.  Some families were enjoying playing in the surf.  Little kids love the waves crashing all over.  I'm glad I got in.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Neat Triathlon Coming Up

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Rough Swim 45 minutes

Sorry, no pictures. I forgot the camera. The beach was not very crowded due to cooler temperatures and overcast skies.  The water was a 2-foot chop coming into the beach strong at a diagonal.  I swam out at the bottom of Surfrider Way and went hard out off the end of the pier.  It took me 30 minutes.  It actually was kind of fun because I really had to get into going after it with the chop and current.  I felt good.  Then on the way back I got lazy and swam easy back to the same starting point.  That took 15 minutes because the water and waves were pushing me in.
Warm water, about 68 degrees, pretty clean, nobody at with me at all; just like I like it.  For me it was my best swim in a while.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."

Saturday I went to swim but the body was sick once I got there.

I wanted to swim; I thought I was ready, but when I was taking my photos first I was hit by one of my many ailments.  Let's just say that I don't recommend getting 47 external radiation treatments in the lower abdomen when you are 45 years-old (ten years ago for me).  They mess you up!  Forever!

The beach area was crowded and looked to be lots of adults and KIDS having fun.  Water warm, clean, the roughness gone, and it looked very inviting.  I was disappointed.

I took a few pictures.  There was a childrens' taekwondo festival/contest happening.

Doesn't that water look beautiful?  I don't know if I'll get there today because I had a rough night.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."