Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Swim Accident

I got into the water at about 2:30 PM and waded out to swim.  The water was almost identical to Saturday's conditions.  I have been wearing this pair of lousy goggles for several days that have weird lenses-they make the view one sees distorted.  With the goggles on I dove under a wave and hit the bottom straight on with all the force of my dive striking the top of my head against the sandy bottom. 
Now, this is not a good thing to do.  I almost knocked myself out and I heard cracks and felt intense pain and burning down my cervical spine and into my right, rear shoulder area.  I hurt myself badly and I was lucky not to break my neck. 
This led to an emergency room visit to rule out fractures or movement of the plate that I have in my fused neck.  I haven't had pain like that since after my neck surgery two years ago.
I tried to work today but had to leave with severe pain and muscle spasms.  I'm wearing my rigid neck brace now.  It's hard to believe I could do something so stupid.  I'll be out of service for several days or more, I'm sure.  No swimming for me for a while.

"The first time you quit is the last time you try."