A good crowd, 78 degree air temp, and 66 degree water temperature awaited me when I hit the beach at about 4:30 PM Sunday. It was a beautiful day, albeit quite rough and somewhat dangerous in the water, as rip currents were strong north of the pier about two hundred yards, and also just on the south side of the pier, flowing south to north. The waves out there were up to I'd say 6 feet swells. I swam from the south side around the pier to the north side, and exited at Surfrider Way. The chop was big, a good 2 feet past the breakers, so breathing and swimming wwere rough. However, the water was so beautiful, a green-blue hue, and warm-almost too warm to swim-really. I walked about five blocks from where I parked to the water and burned the bottom of my feet. I travel light-no shoes sometimes. The boogie boarders had the good conditions yesterday. One needed fins to kick out there into the big waves, and big, exciting wave rides were there for the taking. I had not been in the water for a week because of my sinuses and it was neat to get back in. The good surfers had big wave rides close to the pier on the north side. Not many surfers, just the very good ones in those conditions. Fun to watch them carve it up. I had my Churchill fins on and my webbed gloves.

Buy some flip-flops. Note to self.