An unfortunate aside in my trip occurred when I was walking to the beach, I saw five teenage boys skateboarding two blocks from the water. They were what I might call "Trouble in the making." A couple of smokers, blocking the sidewalk, looking bored, hanging near a trouble Motel. I stopped and asked them, "How come you guys ain't in the water-surfin' or something?"
Now, I don't know why automatically or subconsciously I came out with the word "ain't" but that's what I said. I only realized it a few minutes later, as I replayed the brief conversation in my head.
"We don't have any money," one of the young men said to me, making eye contact with me. "Surfboards cost a lot of money." Another boy said, "We skate." I felt bad for the guys. I just sorta' nodded my head and said, "That's a bummer." We went back and forth with pretty much the same comments and I continued on with a, "See ya' guys. Take care."
So, it did make me kinda' sad that these young men didn't have much to do except wait for trouble, while this gorgeous beach was two-hundred yards away. Life isn't fair. Not for these kids. So, on my swim out I just thought about them and wondered how could one help such kids. Could I look for old board and wet suit donations for such kids? Could I talk to them when I next see them and get them interested in ocean swimming? Even a boogie board and fins cost money...
I'll probably do nothing, though. I get ideas but I'm not good at the work necessary to implement them. Too lazy. I need lots of free time to keep my sanity. Out past the breakers there are no world problems to fret about-nothing is urgent out there but staying above water and returning alive. It's a mind cleansing-a temporary reprieve from the mundane worries that life presents. That's why I swim, I suppose.
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